
Chicken Corn Quesadilla with Cumin Cream

Tonight I didn't go to a restaurant or hotel,but finally I've interviewed my dad's cooking!That's right folks!For generations I've done food from restaurants week after week,but I now have made a new creation!The viewers wanted me to do a interview of my my dad's cooking.I was afraid to not do it,for I thought I'd lose them.So my dad made a Mexican dish witch he called :Chicken Quesadilla with Cumin Cream(including corn and squash).He used spices such as garlic,ground pepper,and other spices.It was toasted to perfection.The cream was sensational,and all the rest was great!The meat was juicy enough,and only one mistake(witch was only a toaster mistake)!I give my dad's cooking ***** stars(no kid friendly because not a restaurant)!Well,it's getting late.Bye!

P.S,my dad is going to share the recipe soon!

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